
Set alignment and scaling parameters for a frame.

This command is new in PageMaker 6.5

Command constructor

PFrameContentPos(short nVertAlign, short nHorzAlign, short nScaleType, short bKeepAspectRatio);
short nVertAlign;
Vertical alignment of the content within the frame.
0 - top of frame
1 - center of frame
2 - bottom of frame
kParmDontCare - leave unchanged
short nHorzAlign;
Horizontal alignment of the content within the frame.
0 - left edge of frame
1 - center of frame
2 - right edge of frame
kParmDontCare - leave unchanged
short nScaleType;
Scaling option for content.
0 - clip to fit frame
1 - resize to fit frame
2 - scale frame to fit content
kParmDontCare - leave unchanged
short bKeepAspectRatio;
Aspect ratio for scaled object.
1 - keep the aspect ratio
2 - resize horizontal and vertical independently
kParmDontCare - leave this option unchanged
Example. This example aligns the content with the center of the frame both horizontally and vertically. The content size and aspect ratio are left unchanged.

PFrameContentPos(1, 1, kParmDontCare, kParmDontCare);

See also

The PAttachContent, PBreakLinks, PDeleteContent, PFrameInset, PLinkFrames, PSeparateContent, and PToggleFrame commands

The PGetFrameContentPos, PGetFrameInset, PGetFrameContentType, PGetIsFrame, and PGetNextFrame queries

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